Borehole Funding Appeal

Mission 4 Water is a non-profit making organisation which depends on generous people like you! Some people are able to sponsor a complete well for a community at £3,000 but most people just donate something smaller. There is a waiting list of villages and schools waiting for access to clean and safe water.

If you are able to give to keep the drilling work going, it’s simple, just click this link below. Together we can make life-saving changes.

Tap or click on this button to go to our online donation page.

Thank you and God bless.

New borehole in Tororo District

This video is the report shown this week on Ugandan National TV.

The Tribal King of Jopadhola Kingdom was the guest of honour at the commissioning of our latest borehole in Tororo District, on the Kenyan Border of Uganda.

Ugandan National TV report on new borehole.

Two more new water wells

Aid from World Day of Prayer England, Wales and Northern Ireland

A grant given to Mission 4 Water by the World Day of Prayer organisation has resulted in two new water wells. This connection started back when the late Sylvia Chapman was often invited as guest speaker throughout the Black Country on World Women’s Day of Prayer.  Since then, her daughter Sue Morgan and husband Simon, originally accountants by profession, have spent the last 10 years living in Uganda where they work to reach the most vulnerable, the poor, the orphans and the widows. Sue says that back in 2008 God laid on her heart the water crisis faced by so many Ugandans every day. So many people still don’t have access to clean water. Young children and the elderly most especially fall sick from diseases like cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A and dysentery.

Collecting drinking water from a contaminated source.

The Mission 4 Water charity was founded by Sue and a Ugandan Water Engineer named Sunday. Their drilling team of young men drillers, many of whom, like Sunday, are orphans, have to-date constructed 136 low cost boreholes in rural villages and institutions like schools and hospitals throughout Uganda. The latest two facilities are in the village of Bubebere, some 30 km from Mpigi town, in central Uganda, thanks to the grant received from World Day of Prayer. Previously the 154 children from Little Angels Nursery and Primary School, located on the outskirts of the village, used to walk half a mile each way from the school down the hill to fetch water in jerrycans from the swamp, three times a day. This dirty water was then used to prepare meals, wash clothes and bathe themselves. It was even used for drinking. The same swamp was also used for grazing animals and was home for some venomous snakes. The head told us that she always feared of the safety for the children as they ventured down to fetch water. It was worse in the rainy season since the runoffs made the water muddy, and the banks of the dug-out watering hole became very slippery. Some children had slipped in and almost drowned.

Mission 4 Water, a Christian organisation, believes that everyone has a right to access clean and safe water, no matter what their race, colour or religion. And so, as a sign of solidarity, the second borehole sponsored by World Day of Prayer was located outside the Mosque, in the centre of village, further up the hill.  In the past they used bicycles or more likely they had to pay someone to fetch their water with a truck since it was almost 2 miles to the swamp, or 5 miles to the nearest borehole. 

Little Angels school children and villagers at the new well handover ceremony.

It is always hard to estimate how many people will benefit from a new facility, but the community leaders here reckon about 300 families will now be enjoying clean and safe water! The joy of these school children and the adult community members as they pumped clean water from their new boreholes is very hard to describe, but Sue says that she is still moved to tears at every handover.  The Ugandans have a saying “Water is life”, and how true it is!  Thank you World Day of Prayer for giving new life to these lovely and appreciative people. God bless you!

Two new water wells, in memory of Sylvia Chapman

At the time of her funeral and thanksgiving service on 16th March 2018 the family of Sylvia Chapman announced that they would love to make a well in Uganda as a memorial. Sylvia had for the last 9 years supported the work of her daughter and son-in law, missionaries in Uganda, Simon with Mission Direct and Sue a founder of the charity Mission 4 Water. The family were overwhelmed by the generosity of so many friends, in fact they raised sufficient to make not one but two wells!

new well in KanyumuSue and Ugandan Engineer Sunday, the Directors of Mission 4 Water, met up with Pastor Gilbert in Kumi District, eastern Uganda, to prayerfully seek God’s guidance on the location for the two wells. The first site chosen was in a trading centre near to the small town of Kanyumu. It was adjacent to a new primary school which had been founded by a Christian teacher, now known simply as “Director” who had a heart to see the children of his village receive a better education. He said that he had to pay someone to go on his boda (motorcycle) to fetch water from a stream in jerrycans for the children to drink. When the children lined up, the water was sparingly poured into their plastic beakers but there was never enough. He also explained that there was a Health Centre next door which treated people with malaria and other such common sicknesses, and yet they too struggled to find water.

On the day of the launch of the completed well the whole school of 495 children gathered together with their teachers, and the medics from the health centre, neighbours from the surrounding community, and even the police from the nearby Police Station, they all turned up to celebrate their gift of clean and safe water. They sat in the shade of a big mango tree in the dusty school compound. The visitors from Mission 4 Water, Sue and Sunday, together with Pastor Gilbert and The Director, were seated on plastic garden chairs for the customary speeches, whilst other squeezed on the school benches. The whole group moved outside the school to surround the well where the ribbon-cutting ceremony was performed by Pastor Gilbert, followed by prayers of dedication and prayers for the villagers and school.

The second well was sited in a very rural village community of Kaderuna, about 5 miles away, along a very bumpy, dusty track. The people in this area live mainly in mud houses with grass roofs. They are subsistence farmers who work in the small fields affectionately known as “gardens”. This was the harvest season. Although there had not really been enough rain during the growing season, at least this year the crops had not completely failed as previous years. The people were picking maize (corn on the cob) and drying it on the ground in the sunshine. Once dried it would be ground into maize flour which is mingled with boiling water to make posho, a stable food in this area. Pastor Gilbert interpreted their simple words of overwhelming gratitude which was evident by the joy depicted on their faces as they gathered around their new well. They sang hymns of praise and thanked God and Mission 4 Water and the friends and family of Sylvia Chapman. The ceremony concluded with prayers. They prayed for those back in the UK who were missing Sylvia, particularly her husband, Sue’s Father, Reverend Tom Chapman.

new well in KaderunaWhat an amazing and emotional day. How appropriate that others can have a better life following the death of someone special. Because, as they say in Uganda, “Water is Life”.

To make a well in memory of a loved one can be a wonderful way to give life to a whole village, school or health centre after the death of someone close to you. Mission 4 Water will erect a small plaque with a message of your choice and send you photographs to treasure.

If anyone would like to sponsor a well or even  make a donation, large or small, to allow more people to access clean and safe water, please contact Sue in Uganda by email on [email protected]  or you can see ways to help support our work financially using our donation page  or you can find Mission4Water on Facebook.

It cost just £2,500 to bless a whole community, school or village like these with the amazing gift of clean and safe water.