Mission4Water depends entirely on donations, whether from a large organisation like Rotary International, or just a small amount from a school kid’s pocket money, every amount is gratefully received and goes straight to good use.
£2500/$3000 will pay for a complete well.
£350/$588 will pay the monthly wages for the drillers
£250/$420 will pay for the running of the Mission4Water vehicle for a month
£120/$200 will buy a new pump for a well
£20/$35 will buy airtime for mobile phones and internet one month
There are 3 ways you can donate.
1. If you want to make an online donation
Tap or click on this button to go to our online donation page.
2. If you are a UK resident and want to setup a UK Standing Order and Gift Aid
Please click or tap on the following link:
Download United Kingdom Standing Order / Gift Aid Forms
Note: You will find the address for sending in the information to us on the forms.
3. If you want to donate by cheque or cash
First you will need to click or tap this link to our contact page and enter your contact information. After that we will get in touch with you to discuss how you can donate by cheque or cash.