The Mission 4 Water team drilled a well recently in the small town of Rwentobo, south west Uganda. The local Policeman warned the team that a young boy spotted hanging around the site was a thief.
Director Sunday soon befriended the young boy and discovered his name was Lawrence, and he was an orphan. His Mum had died and his Father had run away. He was being cared for by his aged Grandma. He was forced to wander the streets, looking for food because he was hungry. He watched on enviously as other children went to school.

Sunday listened to Grandma’s sad story of desperation.
The next day Sue and Sunday visited the Grandma in the village. They found the old lady digging in her “garden” (vegetable patch) and checked out Lawrence’s story. It was true. She couldn’t manage. She was struggling to feed him and certainly couldn’t pay school fees. She was overwhelmed when Sue said that she would arrange for Lawrence to go to school. She appealed on Facebook for a sponsor who would be prepared to pay for his education, and praise God a previous Mission 4 Water volunteer in the US, who himself had boys of a similar age, agreed to sponsor young Lawrence, giving him the chance of a better life. Education is the real way out of poverty.

Sue with Lawrence, labelled a thief by the Police.
Sue took Lawrence shopping in the market for a mattress, bed sheets, school shoes, uniform, some casual clothes, soap, school, toilet paper, shoe polish, exercise books and pens. The market traders clapped as smart Lawrence proudly walked past.

Lawrence reports for school.
The next day a very smart Lawrence reported for school at World Shine Primary School. This is God’s love in action. God bless Lawrence and the sponsor.

The new well was launched in Rwentobo, watched by the local Police.
The well drilling was also a success and at the end of the work an opening ceremony was held with local officials and community members attending, but our memories of this particular well will always be associated with the boy that we were able to help towards a better life.
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